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Our API documentation library enables developers to rapidly connect their systems to ours.
The API hub offers access to a wide and growing range of essential global payments and fintech functionality.
Join the FTS.Money platform and take the first step to unlocking the value of global payments fintech innovation.
Every solution we offer has been reviewed and cleared for functionality, security and ease of use.
We offer developers an opportunity to showcase their skills and reach new clients.
There’s something for everyone operating a business that handles global payments.
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Streamlined management and faster payments
Platform & infrastructure
Fully compliant with banking regulations in multiple jurisdictions
Security, compliance
The easy road to fintech solution success
Platform features
Supported by 15+ years uptime
Our proven self-owned infrastructure has operated continuously since 2009, processing payments between Asia, Europe and beyond
30+ years development experience
The FTS.Money team is led by global payments veterans with 30+ years of experience
PCI Level 1 certification and regulatory compliant
We maintain bank-grade security certification and adhere to the legal and financial requirements of the countries and jurisdictions we operate within
Continuous improvement
We’re reimagining global payments to keep our customers one step ahead in the fast evolving global financial ecosystem
10 February
3 December
14 November